I believe everyone thinks they can say whatever they like to you once you're pregnant. Everyone wants to know everything which is sweet, but they then comment on everything. Sometimes they say nice things, but other times they say thing which really make you feel either self-conscious or awkward. They probably don't mean it, but it's almost like their brains and mouths are not linked and come out with anything and everything. This is just a few comments I've received from random folk.
You're Looking SOOOO Big/Small Today!
Are you calling me fat? Are you saying I don't look pregnant because I'm so small? Ha! It's a strange thing when people start to comment on your tummy area and its size. Is it acceptable to make comments? Would they like someone making remarks on the size of their tummies? Rolls eyes...
Your Bump Looks Bigger
Well I am growing baby... so I will get bigger. It won't get any smaller will it really? I found my bump looked smaller and bigger on different days especially in the beginning due to bloating. Then when I got to my 7th/8th month, I am obviously bigger, so the daily comment of you look bigger subsided but only a little.
How Is The Baby?
I don't know why don't you ask it? I don't mean to sound bitchy and almost that I don't sound very appreciative saying this, but I sometimes think people forget you are still a person and not just an incubator for this little human growing in my tummy. Perhaps ask how I am first, then move on to the baby? Just an idea.
Your Life Is Going To Change - ALOT!
Well duh! I know. I'm not going through this pregnancy with my eyes closed. At the end of the day me and my hubby are bringing a new life into the world. I know it won't be a doddle or easy peasy. I trust to will change for certain.
You Look Glowing
Lol, thank you. It's not a pregnancy glow, it's makeup. I looked crap when I was suffering with morning sickness and full on mega tiredness. I didn't really care what I looked like and makeup became something I really did not think about. It just was not a priority in my life. Then later on when I hit trimester number two, it was like I had new batteries - I felt ALIVE! Back came in the makeup, followed by 'wow you look good/look glowing'. This is now because I care again.
It's Going To Hurt
Yawn, really you don't say. Pushing out a human child from my lady garden I can safely assume will not be painless. You really do not need to point out the obvious to me to be honest. However I know you will anyway.
You Look Tired
No shit Sherlock! I'm pregnant, I'm growing a human that is sucking the life out of me like a parasite (sorry baby but you kind of did) and probably no doubt suffering from morning sickness at the same time. I think people do not realise how much pregnancy can take it out of you and make you feel like crap!
Sit Down And Rest
Yes I know I know, but life does still continue when you're pregnant you know. The fairies aren't going to come along and do the washing up and laundry for me. You still have to go to work to earn money to pay the bills. I mean I do rest when I can, but I cannot put my feet up for 9 months and do nothing. Not very realistic.
You've Dropped!!
A fully packed out womb with baby and all isn't very light, especially when you're nearly full term. So it is a given that you might drop south because of gravity. Everyone then gets excited thinking baby is literally on its way because you've dropped. Keep calm people, keep calm.
I'll probably end up writing another post after the baby comes, no doubt called things people say to ladies who have just had a baby! I bet I'll some funny things to write on that post.
Angela x
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