I recently got a reminder letter from the NHS that my smear is due. Yayyyyyyy fun times.
Having a cervical screening is not something that have ever bothered me that much. They are not the most enjoyable, I mean if you've had one you'll know what I mean right? However no matter how much I might not find the whole process pleasant, I will still book my appointment at the soonest possible time. I've never ignored a request to go.
Quite a few years ago, my Mum had a her smear like normal. The result came back with a request for further investigation and it turned out she had cells on her cervix which showed abnormal changes. That was then followed up with a colposcopy and having regular smears to keep an eye on her cervix. I personally know from my Mums experience that smear tests DO MATTER!
Back last year I made a video on my YouTube channel talking about smears. A fourteen minute ramble about why I think smears are important. It got a good response, which I'm happy about as ultimately that was my goal. I still find it shocking that some women do not opt to go for their cervical tests. Yes it can be uncomfortable, but I would rather have a few moments of being uncomfortable than the fear of being told the worse news ever!
It is a life saving test and it's not something to be ignored. There is stigma and fear associated with smears, but it's not embarrassing or painful. Yes it may be a little awkward as at the end of the day it's your lady garden area, but there is no actual pain with a smear test. At the of the day just bite the bullet and just do it, it may save your life.
I currently cannot go for my smear at the moment as I'm 36 weeks pregnant exactly right now. After a conversation with my midwife, she basally said 'not right now'. Apparently there are a few reasons why you shouldn't have a smear whilst pregnant. One being the results might not be 100% and two, at this stage of pregnancy no one wants to play around with my cervix right. Don't want to encourage anything to start off early do we now. My midwife advised me to book my smear a few weeks after my 6 weeks check up. I've made a note in my diary to book an appointment towards the middle and end of November. I'm determined not to forget this life saving test!
If you take anything away from this post today, please go for your smear when asked. Or if you brushed your smear request under the carpet last year, call your doctor and book an appointment as its not too late.
Stay safe ladies!
Angela x
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