Anyways back to the blogging world, after moaning to my boyfriend the other week that my hair was felling a little ‘dull’, he bought me a surprise. He’d been shopping in our local mall/shopping centre and popped into Lush. Yummmm. Where he purchased me Lush’s The Hair Doctor

This product according to Lush is Cleansing, stimulating, reviving hair moisturizer for mending poorly heads. Hair Doctor will make house calls to inspire sad scalps and revive hair in need of help. There's Fuller's earth, a clay which degreases your hair and scalp, stimulating peppermint and rosemary, and chamomile to soothe sore scalps. [extract taken from ]
My first thoughts when I got this product and saw it was, “Have I REALLY got to put that in my hair?” I personally think this looks gross. It looks like mud or clay that a farmer just dug up from a field!! And it doesn’t smell that much better either. I know Lush products are a little unusual, but the thought of putting it on my hair was a little scary.
You get a small 250g tub for £14.95 (expensive, but Lush always is). Depending on the thickness and length of your hair, that determines how much of this product you use. Now I have very thick hair, its shoulder length... so not too long. But having incredibly thick hair, no matter the length basically means you have to use a lot of product in it regardless.
Anyways I decide to use the entire tub on my hair to get the complete benefit. I applied mine on 'dirty hair', as there is no need to wash your hair before you apply. Just apply to dry hair. Scoop this out the container and try to spread this evenly from root to tip. You can comb through if you wish, I didn't. Leave this in your hair for around 20 minutes. In the mean time you can play with your rubber ducky.
I have no pictures of me with it on my hair because I just happen to be in the bath and handling a camera whilst using this product is kind of a no go!
My verdict on The Hair Doctor....I wouldn't repurchase this. I found when applying this that it was hard work to get an even coat. I was so thick and lumpy and was just annoying. During the 20 minutes my head had a very unpleasant burning feeling. I almost got to the stage where it became unbearable. I was glad to rinse it off.
A couple of days after using this product on my hair, i felt like i had to scratch my scalp constantly. I don’t know if its where the methanol/peppermint open the pores on the scalp and i just had a funny reaction. I had properly rinsed this after the 20 minutes, but my hair still felt like something was clinging to it make it feel greasy
I’m not totally disregarding this product, it may work for others. But for me I'd give the Doctor a miss!
~Ang xoxo