
Friday 16 November 2012

Soap and Glory ~ Heel Genius

I have dry feet... disgusting I know.  I've had them since...... forever.  On the never ending quest for cute feeties I picked up Soap and Glory Heel Genius.  I've tried a lot of products over the years but this one seems to be combating the cracked heels amazingly well.

What I do is after having a good soak in a bath or an at home foot spa (does anyone else have those or is it just me?) and removing any hard skin.  Pat your feet dry.  Then generously apply this all over the feet and then put on some cotton socks.  Next... go to bed and let the cream do it's magic whilst you sleep.  After 8 hours of sleep, you'll be happy with the results... I guarantee.

This tube is a genius, yes truly... the name is perfect for this product.  It really does make your feet baby soft.  So soft I nearly slipped over.  Yes really!  This contains macadamia oil which we all know makes your hair beautiful and soft.  So why just limited to the hair?  It also has menthol (cooling), allantoin (soothing) and a few other ingredients.  It smells nice too which is a bonus.

I'd certainly repurchase this as I think it's completely worth it, at just over £5 this is pretty inexpensive.  I honestly think this beats some foot creams on the market.  So if you have dry feet that are just craving a bit of moisture loving... Soap and Glory will do the trick!

Angela xox

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