
Thursday 15 November 2012

Baby it's cold outside

So what better way to get rid of your chills that are multiplying... so cheesy haha!  Anyway burn a candle that'll soon warm you up and make your home smell gorgeous!  On a serious note... how cold is it?  It's like we have skipped autumn and gone straight into winter. Brrrrrrrr!

Red Velvet and Christmas Cookie

I've been loving burning my Yankee Candles.  Christmas Cookie was bought for me last year by my brother.  He bought it for me as a Christmas present.  I only got to burn for a short while, then I put it away for the year *sad face*  It smells sickly yummy.  You can almost smell the calories.

Red Velvet is a recent purchase and smells like... Red Velvet cake.  More calories!!  I had both of these burning recently whilst I was baking and the smell was amazing.  The real baking smell plus the candles... to die for.

Have you been burning any candles?  What's your favourite?

Angela xox


  1. I am a bit of a Yankee Candle obsessive. I love these two candles, I smell them every time I see them in a store. I have two amazing Christmas ones that I am waiting to burn, my favourite is Red Apple Wreath :)

    Your blog is lovely, I'm a new follower :)

    Elle xx

    1. I've not smelt the apple wreath one, I'll keep an eye open for that one.

      Thank you for following x

  2. I burnt Christmas cookie all year round. lol. I really want the red velvet one. I plan to search it out. x

    1. If you like the smell of cake you'll love red velvet :-) x

  3. Very nice post and interesting to read .... I love visiting this blog.


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