
Tuesday 30 July 2013

ELF ~ Warm Bronzer

It’s funny how some products you are convinced you hate them, then from out of no where it seems to grow on you and you love them.

ELF Warm Bronzer is one of those products i bought a while back and initially there wasn’t much love between us.  Bright Town Girl kept mentioning this was an excellent bronzer on her blog, so i dug mine out once again and the rest is history...  I may have been a slow starter when it came to loving this but I’m making up for it now as i wear this almost daily.

Comprised of four different shades of bronze, this gives the perfect glow to the skin.  Not too dark, not too light, not too shimmery, not too chalky, not too orange, not too matte... it’s just right for my skin tone.  You get the best of all worlds with the difference shades of bronze, but you can just use one shade if you prefer.

I apply mine with a large kabuki brush and it adds to perfect glow.  You can see you are wearing bronzer but once blended in it is very natural and gorgeous.

This bargain costs a mere £3.75 and is available on ELF’s website.  They also sell different shades (Golden and Cool) too!

What is your favourite bronzer?


  1. I really enjoy this bronzer. I've noticed that a little goes a LONG way, but it does add that great glow. The Golden Bronzer is nice as a highlight.

  2. This bronzer sounds lovely. I don't use them often but they can totaly change makeup look. I need to start using them again :)x


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