
Tuesday 29 May 2012

OPI - Charged Up Cherry

A few weeks ago I got a manicure and this was my choice of colour.  At the time I did tweet this picture but I never blogged about it.  I always find it so hard when you go for a manicure.  When the girl says ' Would you like to pick a colour?' . . . it's always so hard just picking one!

OPI's Charged Up Cherry caught my attention, not just the shocking lovely colour but also the bottle was half empty . . . which in my eyes must be a tell tale sign the people of Essex love this colour.

Unfortunately for me, literally as soon as she was done I stuck my so called 'dry' hand and polished nails into my purse to retrieve my wallet and I chipped it. Doh!

I really loved this colour so I'm thinking a little ebay haul maybe on the cards so I can purchase this.  Woop woop!  What else should I buy??

Angela xox


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