
Saturday 24 March 2012

Do your nails need tender loving care????

Well I may have found what you are looking for....

Save The Nail - Toughen Up Base Coat ~ From Boots £7.50

I had a whole list of things that were going on with my nails...
  • Bendy
  • Weak
  • Splitting
  • Peeling
They were not in the best of conditions.  So after having a rant and moan to one of my best friends she recommended this product by the lovely people of Nails Inc.  She had a similar case of bendy, peeling nails and had bought this and said it worked wonders.  With a recommendation as good as that I hopped and skipped to Boots and bought my very own bottle.  And I have to say in all honesty this has truly rescued my nails and brought them back to life!

So to resurrect your nails you can one of two things which the box says:

1... Every day for seven days apply this and then at the end of the seven days remove completely and restart the process. 


2... Just use this as a regular base coat under your nail polish.


I chose number one to start with... my nails needed some loving so I applied to my nails every day for seven days.  The end result after the seven days was amazing.  My nails felt so strong and hard as nails.  After the initial wearing for seven days I then carried on using it for a second week (same process) then there after I used as a base coat.

Using this I have found I no longer suffer from peeling, bending, splitting.  The result is well worth it!  My nails have got so long I now have to cut them back as they don't seem to break any more.

L-R ~ Before polish and after application

For £7.50 this is definitely a must if you have nails that are just like mine.  I suffer from none of the above now thanks to this.  There are other 'Save The Nail' products which are available to buy online at Boots here.  The line seems to be exclusive to Boots!  I would check them out if you want some nail TLC!!!!

Angela xox


  1. This sounds amazing, I am using OPI nail envy which is quite similar. I like it, but I am not blown away by it. May try this next. Great review hun. xx

  2. this sounds perfect for me!!!! my nails need some major tlc! x

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