
Monday 23 January 2012

Pending videos....

So I am off to the good old USA within a week and I plan to film a few videos before I depart.  I'm going to film a whats in my suitcase video and whats in travel makeup bag video.  I have filmed a 2011 favourites but who knows if that will get posted as it's a little late now.

It was my news resolutions to make more videos and to try and blog more.  Just a bit difficult when you're a full time worker and have blogging talent of a plonker!! Haha!

Any how fingers crossed I will get these videos up before I leave next Monday.

Talk soon...
Angela xox


  1. I would still be interested if you posted your 2011 favourites, I love those kind of videos. x

  2. Ahhh thank you I will try and edit it and post it this week. Thanks :) x


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