
Saturday 28 January 2012

Foundation Collection...drum roll....

So I have a problem as you can see by the evidence provided....I do have some powdered and mineral foundations which I didn't picture....this lot is had enough!!! *pulls embarrassed face*

While most of these gather dust in my vanity draws not fulfilling their foundation purposes some of these are used to death and then some.

So I was thinking I had a worthy collection to actually do posts on each of them.  Probably starting from the most favourites which I use the most to the ones which are my least reached for items. 

I also dug these out as I'm going to try the whole 'shopping my stash' craze which is all the rage in the blogging and YouTube world.

Now which one should I start with.....? ;-D

Bye for now....
Angela xox

1 comment:

  1. Will look forward to the reviews on these. I am going through a Foundation 'phase' at the moment and want to try every foundation going. x


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