
Wednesday 3 November 2010

Lazy Locks

Happy November everybody!! This is my guide to lazy locks, so easy you hardly have to do anything - honest. We all have to admit we have evenings where we wash our lovely locks then cannot be bothered to style them afterwards. If this is you all raise your hands and say aye.

Usually I’ll just wash my hair on a Sunday then just wrap my towel round my head and be done with it.  Or I’ll plait and braid my hair and let it dry.  But last night I chose differently.  Ages ago I picked up this from Claire’s.  I introduce you to...

The Rageaze – Price £ 5.50

Ragging your hair definitely isn’t a new trick; it’s been about for years.  I remember my lovely Mummy putting rags in my hair as a child...then I used to look like a raggy doll.

To make myself sound really old by saying this...but in my day ragging was done by wrapping hair around a piece of rag i.e. t-shirt, cloth, cotton sheeting...then tying the ends in a knot.  Simples.  Rageaze have changed this hearty tradition by changing the rag for a piece of thin canvas paper kitchen towel like material.  Strange.  It also contains ingredients – even stranger!  The ‘rag’ is damp with alcohol and other weird chemicals.  Not quite sure if it helps the curling process...who knows.

So dividing your towel dried hair into pig tails and selecting hair and pieces of rag you you’ll soon end up looking like this....

Excuse the pjs and lack of makeup.

Wrap it up with a towel to stop your pillow getting damp.  Also remember you get used to the discomfort of the buns of hair sticking in to your head.  Then all you need to do is catch your beauty sleep and fast forward 8 hours ...tadda!!  The morning after and pretty much in one piece!  
Rags in and rags out!

With a little teasing with my finger tips and a few quick sprays of Cheryl aka Elnett.

You get this finished article!

Love it!

I’m really impressed with this product, the fact that there is no heat, no styling products 

involved and just beauty sleep used to create this is brilliant.  Basically you have to put 

hardly no effort in at all!

I have to be honest, I am a little puzzled with two aspects of this product.  Firstly when I picked this up in Claire’s I thought it would contain pieces of cloth/cotton rag – not something that wouldn’t look out of place whilst cleaning your kitchen or bathroom.  The ‘rags’ do have the resemblance to Flash disposable kitchen bathroom wipes (See the close up pictures).  Secondly, they do have a chemical smell.  Why they contain chemicals is a mystery to me, luckily the smell doesn’t transfer to your hair.

The Rageaze pack contains 25 individual sheets and I used approximately 8 to 10 in my hair to achieve this look. I wouldn’t say they are reusable, but if you take them out carefully then maybe you can.  Cotton cloth rags would be more Eco-friendly though.  Worth a thought when you’re going to throw out an old T-shirt.

Long story short I would definitely try the ragging technique again!!!!

Have you ever tried ragging or this products???

Remember to enter my Eyeko give away!!!

~ Angela xox

1 comment:

  1. how strange that they smell etc
    your hair looks lovely though xxx


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