
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Hi Jim

Yes it might sound sad, but I like to call the gym 'Jim' as though he were a real live boy. Lol 😀 If I say I'm going to the gym I feel as though it is more pressure on myself - a commitment. However if I say I have a date with Jim it just feels causal, more relaxed. It's more like meeting a friend for drinks. It does sound silly doesn't it but it works for me.

I tend to keep it to myself that I'm going to see Jim too. I used to say to friends or the hubby I'm might going to gym tonight and then they'll start to pressurise me too. Are you still going? You gonna go. You should go it'll do you good. I don't need the extra pressuring, as I already pressure myself.

It is technically a bit bit of reverse psychology on my little mind to take the pressure off and it seems to work. My husband isn't stupid though, he knows where I am and like the good man he is ... he goes along with my little stories of seeing a friend call Jim. That's what we all need, support.

Now today I ache all over from having a fun time at the gym. It was quiet and I got a lot done. It made me realise how much I miss it. On Thursday I have arrangements to meet up with Jim again.

Good luck.
Angela x

Saturday 22 October 2016

Drink Up With Twinings

I'm someone who finds it quite hard to keep my water intake up.  I don't really like plain water, so I'll generally drink sugar free squash with my water.  Tea and coffee are not one of my favourites either, which is annoying as everyone seems to drink them!  I will say I do like hot chocolates, turkish apple tea but they are not very good for you when it comes to calories and sugar in take.

To try and get more fluids in, I have been adding flavoured tea in to my routine.  I have really been enjoying the Twinings Superfruity Flavour Infusion which has a mix of different fruits like apple, blueberry, hibiscus, raspberries.  The tea leaves are loose in pyramid shaped bags and for around £3.50 you get 12 bags.  The great things about these too are they are naturally caffeine free.

Good Luck
Angela x

Thursday 20 October 2016


Does it sound silly to say I'm scared of exercising?

The last time I stepped foot into a gym was in July and I have not returned since.  Over two years ago I was a avid gym bunny who lived there approximately four times a week and surprisingly I even had a personal trainer. Now I am a 'bigger' shadow of my former self. 

The main reason I gave up my PT was money as I needed to cutback on my spendings.  He was given the chop and do I regret it? Yes and no. I now have money in my pocket, but also a bigger waist line. A bout of anxiety stress basically killed me and the exercise bunny was gone.  RIP slim me.

Tonight my cousin has invited my to an exercise class next week which is run by Herbal Life. I've said yes to going but I'll be honest.... I'm scared. It's been so long since I moved and I will be so unfit. It will be embarrassing. However I have to start some where right?

God please wish me luck. 


Monday 17 October 2016


Hello October.  It's been a while.

I've been a little AWOL from YouTube and my blog.  I haven’t really had my Slimming World mojo going on (more on that in a second) and plus my blogging head has been on holiday.  My motto is to not to force a blog post but to naturally let it happen, sooo no blog posts.  I also feel as though the change in seasons from Summer to Autumn has affected my mood.  I hate it when the nights draw in and we’re just sitting in the dark from 6 months of the year.  I feel like I need to be a in hibernation like a hedgehog. 

On a side note, with regards to Slimming World - I have been bad and I have eaten a few doughnuts (and other things).  Good old Krispy Kreme brought back for a limited time only my favourite all time doughnut, so I had a few. Surprise surprise my weight has crept up. I am upset by it but I shouldn't be shocked really - eat crap and don't exercise then you'll put weight on. It's logical.  

Last weekend I went off to Bath with the hubby for a long weekend. We walked a lot every day when we were there but we also ate out too. It was lovely and I completely recommend Bath if you're looking for a mini break in the UK.  Beautiful looking, plenty to do and see and great restaurants.  Plus they have a spa!

On that note I am no longer 11st 7lbs like I was in August before my hollibobs to Portugal - shameful I know.  On Saturday I weighed in at 11st 10.5lbs and then that evening I had Chinese (my first one since march I might add).  But now that’s it, I’m done. I am back on it with Slimming World - properly. No more crap will pass my lips and I feel slightly more in control than I have done in a while.  I might even attempt to use my gym membership! Shocking I know!  Yesterday I managed to squeeze in 10,000 steps with mum, as we borrowed my cousins dog Chelsea again.  You can meet Chelsea HERE.  She's the cutest doggie ever! 

How are you going with your journey?  

Good luck